Wow, some of these are issues that Botox won’t fix. I might have to go directly to a surgical face lift for those dropped jowls and neck bands. I’ve lost so much fatty tissue under my cheeks that they might have to insert or inject something big to push them back out.
But I don’t have enough money for all of that so I think I will just work on some of the wrinkle areas.
But I don’t have enough money for all of that so I think I will just work on some of the wrinkle areas.

I really hate those horizontal forehead wrinkles--worry lines. They're there all the time and make me look like I'm anxious, interrogative or frightened.

Dang, the wrinkles in my forehead are also going up and down. That frown furrow makes me look mean, but I want to look nice.

Those eyes look narrow and suspicious. The crow's feet are looking more like ostrich feet. Those cholesterol deposits on my eye bags look like zits.

Man, that nose looks like it's been used as a punching bag. That will be an operation in itself.
Those nasolabial folds really make me look old and gaunt. I don't think I'm a particularly bitter person but looking at my mouth would make one think so.
Sucking on those cigarettes also is hurting my facial appearance. If I don't stop soon, my lips may look like this, with vertical smokers lines around the mouth:

Here's my shopping choices. I think I will sleep on it.
Frown Line Fader – The area at the top of the nose and between the eyes is known as the glabellar area. Vertical lines here make one appear angry or worried. Frown Line Fader gives one a more peaceful and pleasant appearance. $280 & up.
Crows Feet Clean Up – Lines at the outer edges of the eye caused by squinting can make one appear mean, exhausted or skeptical. Crows Feet Clean Up restores a young, rested and kind persona. $336 & up.
Forehead Finisher – Horizontal creases on the forehead may cause an aged, questioning or scared expression. Forehead Finisher relaxes these lines, resulting in a serene, youthful and smooth finish. $224 & up.
Lip Line Eliminator – Vertical lines around the lip make one appear harsh and bitter. Lip Line Eliminator eases these lines and makes the person look as though they have a sweet, gentle demeanor. $112 & up
Choice Chin – Uneven muscle tone in the chin area may cause asymmetry and unwanted dimpling. Choice Chin will relax the muscles, resulting in a smoother and better-proportioned chin. $56 & up.
Botox Brow Lift-A small amount of Botox can block the depressor muscles of the eye and give a slight lift to the eye. $168 & up.
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